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Fall Decor, Food Lover, & Our Day of Fun!

Well folks, it’s been a minute. Isn’t that how I start every recap post…by saying that I haven’t talked to you in a while? I know, I know…I am the worst. I am just slowly losing my mind over here, no big deal. Life can be so stressful!! I am beyond blessed, I get it – but my head and my heart aren’t connecting. My heart says “you are your own boss, you’ve got a great life, Jesus loves you, calm it down” while my head says “you really should work harder, you really should be better, you really should do 10 million other things in the day rather than rest”. The great heart and head battle continues today! So pray for me friends, because the head is beating out the heart. Maybe blogging will help <3

A few weeks ago, we celebrated Oslo’s 1st birthday! I don’t think I have ever seen my mom so excited for anyone’s birthday but she sure was pumped for Oslo’s!! We all know she is my mom’s favorite. Oslo > her children. LOL. We celebrated with a wonderful meal, great beer, and the dog’s enjoyed puppy ice cream cups. It was so cute watching them eat those!

One night for dinner, I made Leon and I a deconstructed turkey teriyaki pineapple bowl! I followed Rachael Good Eat’s recipe for her chicken teriyaki meatballs! It was amazing!

I am just perpetually sleepy-eyed over here!

Leon and I had a date night a few weeks ago too! This was the week before we got engaged 🙂 We headed downtown for their “First Friday” event and I got some flowers while Leon got some German chocolate cake!

I also made a SUPER tasty meal. This was a spaghetti combined with toasted almonds, tomatoes, and chicken. This meal turned out better than I could have imagined! I with that I would have written it down!

Chocolate chip cookies are always a good idea 🙂 Especially when life is stressful! Our fall decorations also make me super happy!

We spent two Saturday’s ago fall decor shopping! It was so much fun!! We both love Fall so much and are more than ready for cooler temps!


A lot of candy corn and peanuts have been consumed lately too…you can’t go wrong with this combo. I have really had to limit myself or else I will eat the whole jar! LOL

Leon’s parents came and stayed with us that weekend too! I always enjoy getting to spend time with them. I had to move some things on Labor Day so I had to say goodbye to Leon’s parents and head into town to hang with my parents. My parents took me to breakfast and then helped me move some things for my business! Oslo came along too 🙂

I made Leon and I more pasta one night too! Poor Leon…he probably never knew he would fall in love with someone who looks at food so longingly and also wears Target shorts from 2012…Again, this was before he proposed!! So, he must really, really, LOVE me LOL.

I took this picture of Oslo one day at work – can you even handle his sweetness?!

And then Thursday night.. I became a FIANCE to the world’s most incredible human. You can read our engagement story HERE. I still can’t believe it 🙂

We took Saturday to forget about work and enjoy a day of fun! We started with an early lunch at Paradise Point…

…and ended with bowling!! We had so much fun spending time together. We had originally planned to try out a new local pizza joint but we were both missing our dogs SO MUCH. So we headed home!

We still got our pizza-fix though! Eat Banza was kind enough to send me their chickpea pizza crust to try! I topped the crust with our favorite pineapple and pepperoni – we split the pizza down the middle and their wasn’t a crumb left!! 🙂

I wonder if Leon also knew he signed up to be my photographer for a lifetime?!

It was back to the grind on Monday!! This has been my go-to outfit all summer long. The only addition is my fancy engagement ring 🙂

Tuesday was the longest day ever but totally worth it! I juiced for the first time and 10.5 hours later – this was the result! Thank goodness for Leon who helped me bottle everything and for my mom who brought me this cooler over so I could even transport the juice! WHAT A DAY!

And after my first official day selling juice, I needed some alone time. I picked up this magazine standing in line at the grocery store and I am going to spend the rest of the evening reading it! I need to remind myself to take a deep breath, relax, and remind myself to “Consider it all joy” (James 1:2). If you are feeling discouraged in this season of life – I am with you! But we’ve got this right? RIGHT! God is on our side. Okay – that’s enough rambling! I hope you have the most wonderful weekend! xx

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